A couple of months ago, I received this very, special gift from one of my sewing students:
Can you believe it? It's the ever-desirable, always elusive "It Seams Perfect" sewing set from Our Generation! I have drooled over this on the internet and haunted all my local Targets, but had resigned myself that acquiring a set of my own was not to be. And then, out of nowhere, my wonderful, little sewing student happened upon it one day and wanted to get it for me. How awesome is that?!?
Back of the box
Close up of once I figured out how to remove the outer part of the box, but before tackling that horrible, molded plastic...
Okay, so this photo has nothing at all to do with unboxing my new sewing set, other than the fact that while I was struggling with all that horrible plastic, my 10 year old decided to visit my sewing room with our favorite chicken. Yes, we have a favorite, and yes, sometimes they come into the house. And in case you're wondering, her name is Stella.
Okay, on to the "It Seams Perfect" set...
There's a real, actual pattern to make an 18" doll sundress! How cute is that? There's also a roll of fabric included, but I probably won't use it. On second thought, my 7 year old is really bugging to learn how to sew, so maybe I'll start her out with this pattern. It looks simple enough.

Here are all of the darling, little accessories. There's a real, 18" tape measure just like the life-sized ones, a wooden ruler (maybe it's plastic, but it feels like wood), two wood spools with thread, a marking pencil, a plastic thimble, 4 buttons, a buttonhole marker, scissors that actually open and close, a wristband pincushion, and a delightful, round box with a lid to hold it all. Some of the accessories are really well made, like the scissors, ruler, tape measure, spools, and box. A couple leave a little to be desired, like the wristband pincushion (it's molded plastic and doesn't actually fit on the doll's wrist) and the plastic thimble which doesn't have much detail. It would have been really cool if the scissors actually cut, but all in all, I think these accessories are so cute.
I think it was smart thinking on OG's part to make a box to contain all the items. Plus, how adorable is that antique sewing machine graphic on the lid?!
Rebecca was our resident seamstress today. Here we see how she can sit on the little chair, surrounded by everything she needs to create something special. The extension on the sewing table folds out, and the sewing machine sits down in a recessed area. I didn't take a close-up photo of the sewing machine, but the presser foot actually lifts up and down, as does the needle! With all of this attention to detail, I'm wondering why OG didn't include a foot pedal?!? Oh well, I guess we will have to use our imaginations on this one.
I slipped a little dress over the dress form...how adorable!
All set to sew.
Love the scissors!
Just as Rebecca was getting ready to thread a bobbin, in walked a complete stranger. "Oh! Hello...who are you?"
"I'm new here. My new mama rescued me from the Goodwill where I was just tossed up on a shelf with all kinds of scary toys. Some were loud and made all sorts of noise, and some were broken. I'm so glad she brought me here!"
"I don't have any clothes. Do you think you could make me something to wear? My favorite color is pink."
"Well, it just so happens that our mama likes pink, too! Here are some bolts of fabric. Pick one, and I'll make you a dress."
"But before we get started, I'll need to take your measurements."
"It would be helpful if you could hand me things while I sew. Then I'll have this dress done in no time!"
"Let me button the back for you..."
Cuteness overload!
Admiring the vintage angel at the top of the tree.
I couldn't believe my good fortune when I found this beautiful, little girl at the Goodwill. Nice dolls are getting harder and harder to find, probably because most of what's available in stores is cheap and low quality. All I seem to happen across anymore are the Disney toddlers and 18" OGs. This little darling is a 16" Gotz. I don't know her name. Unfortunately, Gotz dolls are hard to find in the USA--not many stores carry them. Which is really a shame, since they are such excellent quality play things. I know that Pottery Barn carries a line of Gotz dolls, but beyond that, I'm not sure where you would go to buy this little cutie here in the states. European shops sell them, and I've ordered several Gotz dolls from

This doll is all vinyl. She can stand on her own and hold many poses. Her rooted hair is thick and a beautiful quality. She has stationary, blue eyes and just the sweetest expression. I'm so glad I decided to stop in at that Goodwill on that particular day. And yes, I think she looks adorable in pink!